Friday, July 24, 2009

Santa Esmerelda

I don't know anything about this group. In fact, I'm not even sure if it's even actually a group or just the singer's name.....and before you all get up in arms, saying things like "which rock did you crawl out from under sweetheart?? don't you know this is the internet age and you can find out anything you want in like 10 nanoseconds???" Yes, I do know that...but I was inspired to write before I could do the research...which is the brilliance of blogging, isn't it?? you don't have to know can just write it down and let the chips fall where they may. I am not really an advocate of this methodology. I'm not about to lie or mislead anyone here. It's not a history blog or an academic essay, it's just my opinions about I try to write only what I know to be true. But I digress....

Santa Esmerelda...This video shows all that I love about this song, this group, this era:)

But for those of you who won't or can't watch this video, let me explain:) My first introduction to this song was watching Kill Bill vol 1. I LOVED the music in that movie, but I heard that song not realizing how much I would love it later on. Actually, I never really took notice of the song, but when I heard it at a friend's place only two or three years ago, I knew it sounded familiar and was informed with much eye-rolling "don't you remember??!!! it was in Kill Bill." (actually, i just added the eye-rolling part for effect. there wasn't any in the actual exchange)

Every time I hear this song, I want to clap my hands, grab a drink and bust a move. I request it at every party where I know the people in charge of the's just too good! And it's one of those songs that you can't help but dance to, it gets people on to the floor because the beat is fast and even if you can't dance, you can always clap and march on the beat, which is pretty much all that the dancing consists of in the video anyway:)

Anyway, next time you are having a party and you're with some Kill Bill fans or people who love to dance, throw this little ditty on the record player or ipod and see what frivolity ensues. You won't be disappointed, I promise!


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